Asset management of the Piet Heintunnel

Smart sustainable transport

From objectives to strategy and plan of action

Municipality of Amsterdam

The Piet Heintunnel, one of the most important tunnels for Amsterdam’s accessibility, is being renovated. The two main reasons for this are because utilities need to be replaced and the tunnel needs to meet legal safety requirements as of 1 May 2019. Twynstra Gudde supported the municipality of Amsterdam with this by translating the city’s objectives into a strategy and concrete plan of action for the renovation.


The objectives of the municipality of Amsterdam

The accessibility of the Piet Heintunnel is crucial for the accessibility of the city and the Amsterdam metropolitan area. The tunnel provides key access to the city and links it with the neighbourhood of IJburg. The Piet Heintunnel Renovation Project aims to ensure that the tunnel remains in good condition and meets relevant legislation and regulations on safety and accessibility.

Strategy for the renovation of the Piet Heintunnel

To ensure the renovation strategy is a success it is important that it incorporates the city as a whole, all the technical possibilities and the traffic management task. The municipality of Amsterdam asked Twynstra Gudde to come up with a strategy that does exactly that. What approach to renovation and staging would work best for this? And will this approach ensure that the legal requirements are met?

Concrete plan of action for the renovation

Based on documentary research and interviews with stakeholders, e.g. the management organisation, project organisation, authorities, safety officials and the public prosecutor, we drew up a number of detailed renovation scenarios. These were then assessed in terms of technical possibilities and planning options, which resulted in a preferred scenario and plan of action that were presented to the relevant official at the municipality of Amsterdam for a final decision.

Our added value

The contracting party stated that we were able to properly translate the city’s objectives and the asset management strategy into a practical plan of action. Working out the details of the possible scenarios and the associated preferred scenario in line with all stakeholders helps when determining a shared course of action.