Water Governance and Climate

Climate change

Climate change is forcing us to create measures in the physical design of towns, cities and countries. This task is a shared one for the public and private sectors as well as individuals. Together, we will take measures to make the world climate-proof. Decentralised government bodies play a key role in the climate task ahead of us. After all, the specific traits of a region set the agenda for what the issues are and what the solutions could be. Measures often have a significant environmental impact and as such are connected to tasks concerning liveability, housing, mobility, nature, commercial activities and energy transition. With an approach that focuses on a specific area, municipalities, provinces and waterboards can create ‘work with work’.



Integrated future vision

Combining ambitions complicates the task. As a decentralised management body, you are faced with the task of creating an integrated future vision for your area that can be implemented as part of your core duties. To achieve these, you have to work with a range of other parties in the government and beyond. What’s more, you have to draft implementation programmes and create a programme organisation. Twynstra will draw up a long-term strategy for you and seek out shared ambitions with you and your regional partners. We will lay down process agreements and the rules of the game and reach a covenant or contract agreement. We will define joint programmes and projects, and can manage the implementation of these, up to and including delivery and after-care if required.


Once a partnership is set up properly, there’s a solid foundation in place to set to work in an effective manner. That partnership will also ensure that programmes and projects can be achieved in time and within budget. Moreover, they contribute to the creation of a climate-proof city and region, as well as the realisation of various other tasks and ambitions.

We can help you

Twynstra’s expertise covers the water sector, infrastructure, environmental planning and housing. We always consider the task for climate adaptation alongside the opportunities to work on measures that simultaneously help counter climate change. What’s more, as organisational consultants, we specialise in effective partnerships, strategic planning, programme and project management, and environmental management. We’re also au fait with the decision-making processes at all levels of government. With this expertise in house, we can help you achieve your ambitions.